PT Superintending Company of Indonesia, atau lebih populer disingkat SUCOFINDO, adalah sebuah BUMN Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang pemeriksaan, pengawasan, pengujian, dan pengkajian. Saat ini, 95% saham Sucofindo dimiliki Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, dan 5% oleh SGS. Pemerintah merencanakan privatisasi SUCOFINDO pada tahun 2008. Keanekaragaman jasa-jasa SUCOFINDO dikemas secara terpadu, jaringan kerja Laboratorium, cabang dan titik layanan di berbagai Kota di Indonesia serta didukung oleh 2.646 Tenaga Profesional yang ahli di bidangnya.
Saat ini PT Sucofindo kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Mei 2023. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir Anda bersama PT Sucofindo dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.
Lowongan Kerja PT Sucofindo
1. Lead Auditor
Qualifications :
- Minimum shall hold bachelor’s degree (S1) preferable in Engineering
- Certified Lead Auditor (ISO 9001/ API Lead Auditor / ASQ CQA Certification / IRCA Certification
- Minimum of 10 years appropriate experience and training
- Experience and / or knowleddge for auditing based on ISO 9001:2015 and API-Q1
- Able coordinating, planning, organize, control, integration and completion of auditing
- In depth knowledge of Oil & Gas Equipment, Strong technical skill & judgement, and Stroing understanding of manufacturing fabrication process
- Capable in writing the audit report in Englisih
2. Cost Control Lead
Qualifications :
- Holds a minimum of Bachelor degree in Accounting or Engineering from a recognized national or overseas University
- Have 10 years of experience as Project Planner, schedule and or cost controller related to construction of oil and gas facilities
- Project strong knowledge and under in the flow process of development and production in Oil and Gas Industry
- Project strong analytical skill in project planning, scheduling and project control
- Project strong knowledge in calculating man hours
- Familiar working with project management tools and software such as MS Project, Primavera and etc
- Familiar working with data processing tools and software such as SAP ERP
- Manage and lead monthly invoicing submission to COMPANY and ensure accurate Service Acceptance Paper (SAP) for COMPANY’s review and approval
- Monitor actual and forecast progress and highlight potential delay or cost overrun against the initial plan and schedule
- Prepare invoicign management and maintain alignment with project budget
- Review project estimate and tract project trended position with accurate forecasting
3. Quality Engineer Civil & Structure
Qualifications :
- Shall hold bachelor’s degree (SI) preferable in Engineering
- Experience Front End Engineering Design
- Certified Lead Auditor (ISO 9001)
- 5 years relevant work experience Project/construction /fabrication lead
- Have a minimum of 10 years appropriate experience, training and certification including evidence of capability and understanding of technical issues
- Be a graduate engineer in relevant discipline. Experience of having worked on a BP project is desirable. Alternative qualifications with relevant experience may be occepted at the discretion of BP.
- Shall be able and have experience in review QA/QC Procedures such as but not limited to QA/QC Ptan, Inspection and Test Plan, Inspection procedures
- Excellent working knowledge of national and international legislation standards, ond best practices
- Excellent working knowledge of national and international codes/standards
4. Quality Engineer Electrical, Instrument & Control
Qualifications :
- Minimum shall hold bachelor’s degree (S1) in Electrical Engineering or Engineering Physic or Instrumentation Engineering
- Experience Front End Engineering Design
- Certified Lead Auditor (ISO 9001)
- 5 years relevant work experience Project/construction /tabrication lead
- Have a minimum of 10 years appropriate experience, training and certification including evidence of capability and understanding of technical issues
- Quality protessional (ASQ/CQI)
- Have experience as package At-Ex/Comp-Ex verificatory in compliance to IEC 60079 series in previous Project
- Hold valid certificate aTeX/COMPex/IECeX
- Prefer to hold API SIEE certificate
- Excellent working knowledge of national and international codes/standards
5. Quality Engineer Mechanical Static/Rotating/Piping & Valve/Pipeline
Qualifications :
- Minimum shall hold bachelor’s degree (SI) in Engineering preferabie in mechanical/chemical/ metatiurgical Engineering discipline
- Experience Front End Engineering Design
- Certified Lead Auditor (ISO 9001)
- 5 years’ relevant work experience Project/construction /fabrication lead
- Have co minimum of 10 years appropriate experience, training and certification including evidence of capabiity and understanding of technical issues
- Preferable having experience in static. piping and volve engineering disciplines
- Prefer to hold Pipetine inspection Certificate issued by MIGAS/BNSP-GOI or reputable international institution
- Prefer to hold API SIRE certificate
- Prefer to hold MIGAS/BNSP-GO! Certified Rotating Inspector
- Shall be abie and have experience in review QA/QC Procedures such as but Not limited to QA/QC Pian, Inspection and Test Plan, inspection procedures
- Excellent working knowledge of national and international codes/standords
PT Superintending Company of Indonesia
Send your CV and Cover Letter to email:
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